Thursday, May 14, 2009
TCM Trellis-Coded Modulation (with Viterbi coding) is anoptional error-correction method included in the V.32 standard. TCM allows modems to check for transmission errors with aredundancy bit, which results in fewer errors on noisy lines. Trellis Encoding works WITH other error correction methods suchas V.42. Unlike other methods, TCM is true error correction, inthat for small errors, it does not force a retransmit, itactually fixes them. MNP - Microcom Network Protocol is a set of standards developedby Microcom, and made available by them to other manufacturers.
MNP Class 1 is referred to as Block Mode. It uses asynchronous,byte-oriented, Half-duplex transmission. This method providesonly about 70% efficiency, and is rarely used today. MNP Class 2 is called Stream Mode, and uses asynchronous, byte-oriented, Full-duplex transmission. Because of protocol overhead(the time it takes to establish the protocol and operate it),throughput at Class 2 is actually only about 84% of that for aconnection without MNP, delivering about 202 cps (characters persecond) at 2400 bps and is rarely used today.
MNP Class 3 incorporates Class 2, and is more efficient. It usesa synchronous, bit-oriented, Full-duplex method. This procedureyields throughput about 108% of that of a modem without MNP,delivering about 254 cps at 2400 bps. MNP Class 4 uses Adaptive Packet Assembly and Optimized DataPhase techniques, it improves throughput and performance by about5%, although actual increases depend on the type of call (noisyor clean), and can be as high as 25% to 50% on some links. V.42: is a CCITT error-correction standard that's similar to MNPClass 4, In fact, because the V.42 standard includes MNPcompatibility through Class 4, all MNP 4- compatible modems canestablish error-controlled connections with V.42 modems. Thisstandard, however, prefers to use its own better performingprotocol .
LAPM Link Access Procedure for Modems, like MNP, copes withphone line impairments by automatically re-transmitting data thatis corrupted during transmission assuring that only error freedata passes through the modems. LAPB : Link Access Procedure Binary, like MNP or LAPM, copeswith phone line impairments by automatically re-transmitting datathat is corrupted during transmission assuring that only errorfree data passes through the modems.
The OMAP5910 is a highly integrated hardware and software platform, designed to meet the application processing needs of next-generation embedded devices. The OMAP platform enables OEMs and ODMs to quickly bring to market devices featuring rich user
interfaces, high processing performance, and long battery life through the maximum flexibility of a fully integrated mixed processor solution.
The dual-core architecture provides benefits of both DSP and RISC technologies, incorporating a
TMS320C55x DSP core and a high-performance TI925T ARM core.
The OMAP5910 device is designed to run leading open and embedded RISC-based operating systems, as well as the Texas Instruments (TI) DSP/BIOS software kernel foundation, and is available in a 289-ball MicroStar BGA package.
The OMAP5910 is targeted at the following applications: Applications processing devices, Mobile communications Bluetooth wireless technology GSM (including GPRS and EDGE) CDMA Proprietary government and other Video and image processing (MPEG4, JPEG, Windows Media Video, etc.) Advanced speech applications (text-to-speech, speech recognition) Audio processing (MPEG-1 Audio Layer3 [MP3], AMR, WMA, AAC, and other GSM speech codecs).Graphics and video acceleration.
Even if you are familiar with the 80x87 series read on. Now there are alternative clone chips. One of these alternatives may just save you the expense of upgrading your whole motherboard or system .The thing that got me interested in this topic was a July 1990 Byte article reviewing two 25 Mhz 486 systems. The big news is that a 25 Mhz 486 CPU is no faster than a 33 Mhz 386 CPU. The only benefit that you get for spending thousands of extra dollars for the 486 system is that the 486's built-in floating point unit (FPU) is about twice as fast as the 33 Mhz 80387 (that you can add to your 386 system for about $550 to $600.)
If you are maxed out with your current combination you have several alternatives upgrading to a faster motherboard or even the 486 system. Now that I've told you what my thesis is, let me back up a bit and explain the basics. A "numeric co-processor" or "math chip" is an integrated circuit chip that you can plug into your motherboard. Its sole purpose is to speed up numeric calculations. This chip does calculations which would otherwise be done with software running on the CPU chip itself.
Numeric co-processors only benefit a small number of users because there are two conditions that must be met in order for these chips to make a difference. One is that a good portion of your computer time is spent doing mathematical calculations. The second is that the software doing these calculations must be smart enough to detect the presence of a co-processor and use it.
Computer Aided Design (CAD) programs such as AutoCad usually require a co-processor in order to get anywhere near acceptable response time. Lotus 1-2-3, QuickBasic, PageMaker and Ventura are other common programs that can take advantage of the co-processor. (Ventura and PageMaker only take advantage of it when printing graphics.) If you are running one of these programs, and you can ascertain that the program is "compute-bound" as opposed to "I/O-bound" (such determination is a whole science unto itself) then ask yourself if the computations are "number crunching" or "character crunching." If your application is compute-bound while doing mostly numeric calculations, then adding a numeric co-processor or upgrading to a faster alternative co-processor will allow your programs to run much faster. If you are compute- bound, but the application is just moving data around and not doing actual numeric calculations then a co-processor will NOT make it run faster.
One application where a co-processor is useless is a dedicated file-server. Although the 80486 CPU is now touted as "ideal" for file-servers, it is a waste of money for such an application. The extra money you spend for the 80486 is better spent on faster disk drives or more memory for buffers. File- servers don't use the floating point unit.
The claim to fame of the Intel 80486 CPU chip is that it has the numeric co-processor built-in. You don't need to add one. If you have an 8088, or an 80286 or an 80386, there is probably an empty chip socket on your computer's motherboard where you could plug in the co-processor. The part number of the co-processor depends on the part number of your CPU. The price depends on the speed (Mhz rating) and the chip maker.
the latest PDC firmware installation kit.Check the version of firmware on the system with the version in Table 1-2. If the system does not have the required firmware, update the firmware using the instructions provided with the installation kit.
The 8 GB (A3839A) memory upgrade includes the latest PDC firmware installation kit.
For HP-UX, the required OS patches are provided in product number B6191AA. This
product should have been ordered with the memory upgrade. MPE/iX requires Releases
6.0, Express 1, and 6.05 PDC to support 3.75 GB of memory; Releases 6.5 and 6.05 PDC
are required to support memory greater than 3.75 GB up to 16 GB.
Check the version of firmware on the system with the version in Table 1-3. If the system
does not have the required firmware, then update the firmware following the instructions
provided with the installation kit.
This section contains information on how to install DIMMs on the 8 GB memory board. If you are not installing an 8 GB Memory Board, go directly to the next section of this
manual, “Gaining Access to the Card Cage”. If the customer ordered an 8 GB Memory
Board, you will have to install DIMMs on a memory carrier board before installing the
board in the PMB card cage.
Each memory carrier board is divided into quadrants. Each quadrant comprises eight
DIMM sockets. Refer to Figure 1-1. Socket locations in each quadrant are numbered.
Socket location numbers for quadrants on the left side of the memory board are numbered
on the left side of each socket. Socket location numbers for quadrants on the right side of
the memory board are numbered on the right side of each socket.
DIMMs are installed in each quadrant according to the following rules:
DIMMs are installed on the carrier board in sets of four. Each DIMM in a set must be installed in a different quadrant. (After all of the DIMMs are installed, there should always be an equal number of DIMMs in each quadrant.). The first DIMM in a set can be installed in any unoccupied position in any quadrant.The initial location in which a DIMM is installed determines where the remaining three DIMMs in the set must be installed in the other three quadrants. For example, if you install a DIMM in location 1A, the remaining three DIMMs in the set must be installed in locations 1B, 1C, and 1D. Likewise, if you install the first DIMM in a set in location 7A, then the remaining three DIMMs must be installed in locat.
The current, in use, biochip implant system is actually a fairly simple device. Today’s, biochip implant is basically a small (micro) computer chip, inserted under the skin, for identification purposes. The biochip implant system consists of two components; a transponder and a reader or scanner. The transponder is the actual biochip implant. The biochip system is a radio frequency identification (RFID) system, using low-frequency radio signals to communicate between the biochip and reader. The reading range or activation range, between reader and biochip is small, normally between 2 and 12 inches.
The transponder is the actual biochip implant. It is a passive transponder, meaning it contains no battery or energy of it's own. In comparison, an active transponder would provide it’s own energy source, normally a small battery. Because the passive biochip contains no battery, or nothing to wear out, it has a very long life, up to 99 years, and no maintenance. Being passive, it's inactive until the reader activates it by sending it a low-power electrical charge. The reader "reads" or "scans" the implanted biochip and receives back data (in this case an identification number) from the biochip. The communication between biochip and reader is via low-frequency radio waves.
The biochip-transponder consists of four parts; computer microchip, antenna coil, capacitor and the glass capsule. The microchip stores a unique identification number from 10 to 15 digits long. The storage capacity of the current microchips is limited, capable of storing only a single ID number. AVID (American Veterinary Identification Devices), claims their chips, using a nnn-nnn-nnn format, has the capability of over 70 trillion unique numbers. The unique ID number is "etched" or encoded via a laser onto the surface of the microchip before assembly. Once the number is encoded it is impossible to alter. The microchip also contains the electronic circuitry necessary to transmit the ID number to the "reader".
Antenna Coil is normally a simple, coil of copper wire around a ferrite or iron core. This tiny, primitive, radio antenna "receives and sends" signals from the reader or scanner.Tuning Capacitor The capacitor stores the small electrical charge (less than 1/1000 of a watt) sent by the reader or scanner, which activates the transponder. This "activation" allows the transponder to send back the ID number encoded in the computer chip. Because "radio waves" are utilized to communicate between the transponder and reader, the capacitor is "tuned" to the same frequency as the reader.
Glass Capsule "houses" the microchip, antenna coil and capacitor. It is a small capsule, the smallest measuring 11 mm in length and 2 mm in diameter, about the size of an uncooked grain of rice. The capsule is made of biocompatible material such as soda lime glass. After assembly, the capsule is hermetically (air-tight) sealed, so no bodily fluids can touch the electronics inside. Because the glass is very smooth and susceptible to movement, a material such as a polypropylene polymer sheath is attached to one end of the capsule. This sheath provides a compatible surface which the bodily tissue fibers bond or interconnect, resulting in a permanent placement of the biochip.
The biochip is inserted into the subject with a hypodermic syringe. Injection is safe and simple, comparable to common vaccines. Anesthesia is not required nor recommended. In dogs and cats, the biochip is usually injected behind the neck between the shoulder blades. Trovan, Ltd., markets an implant, featuring a patented "zip quill", which you simply press in, no syringe is needed. According to AVID "Once implanted, the identity tag is virtually impossible to retrieve. The number can never be altered."
The reader The reader consists of an "exciter" coil which creates an electromagnetic field that, via radio signals, provides the necessary energy (less than 1/1000 of a watt) to "excite" or "activate" the implanted biochip. The reader also carries a receiving coil that receives the transmitted code or ID number sent back from the "activated" implanted biochip. This all takes place very fast, in milliseconds. The reader also contains the software and components to decode the received code and display the result in an LCD display. The reader can include a RS-232 port to attach a computer.
The reader generates a low-power, electromagnetic field, in this case via radio signals, which "activates" the implanted biochip. This "activation" enables the biochip to send the ID code back to the reader via radio signals. The reader amplifies the received code, converts it to digital format, decodes and displays the ID number on the reader's LCD display. The reader must normally be between 2 and 12 inches near the biochip to communicate. The reader and biochip can communicate through most materials, except metal.
Physician use this era of declining reimbursements and thinning wallets, physicians are being asked to practice more efficiently, and the Internet can be a great help.
For example, the New York Board of Regents recently announced that New York doctors will be able to use e-mail (and faxes) to transmit prescription requests beginning this month. The Internet also has great promise as a tool for patient-records management, scheduling, patient education and claim submission, among other uses.
In another study of physician Internet use, FIND/SVP, a research and advisory service, reported that 65 percent of physicians think the Internet can enhance their access to clinical information and business news, although only 46 percent expect to find high-quality professional information online.
Despite some reservations about the quality of the content, many physicians have embraced this technology wholeheartedly. Thirty percent of the physicians surveyed by Healtheon already have web sites highlighting their practices, and 16 percent plan to develop them. Medical specialty organizations also are moving this direction: According to the Healtheon study, nearly a third of these groups have web sites.
Doctors also are increasing their use of e-mail. Sixty-three percent report using e-mail every day, says Healtheon, and 33 percent of respondents reported using e-mail to communicate with patients, a jump of 200 percent from the previous year.
Issues of security do linger. In the Healtheon survey, just over one third of the respondents indicated that security was a primary concern during e-mail and other Internet use. There is no federal legislation to protect health data privacy, and state laws offer uneven protection against inappropriate disclosure. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Congress is given until August 1999 to enact privacy legislation.
Movies and documentaries portray dolphins as high-IQ and human-friendly critters, possibly communicating in their own special language. Dolphins have even been described as ”highly evolved spiritual beings.“ Environmentalists want to protect it against the tuna industry (though killing the poor tuna is okay).
But the dolphin’s lucky streak may be coming to an end. William J. Broad reports in the New York Times that the lovable dolphin has an ”unexplained darker side.“It seems there is credible testimony and evidence that dolphins have a mean streak. They kill porpoises and even dolphin calves; there are pathetic stories of dead porpoises and baby dolphins washing up on the coast of Virginia, their lifeless bodies bearing telltale teeth-marks and injuries. Untamed dolphins have been known to bite humans.
It has reached the point where the federal government has mounted a campaign to warn us against the dangers of wild dolphins. Such warnings are presumably authorized by the Interstate Commerce Clause, and next we can expect a federal campaign to observe young dolphins for the purpose of spotting the early warning signs.
Nobody can explain why dolphins display aggressive behavior, particularly against their own young; though there are mutterings about some ”evolutionary“ reason for it, it appears to be irrational, serving no survival purpose. Unlike most mammals, dolphins don’t eat what they kill (though they do eat squid and fish for nourishment). They seem to be driven by what Samuel Taylor Coleridge called ”motiveless malignity,“ battering smaller creatures, smashing their skulls and vertebrae, and biting them to death for the fun of it.
”Infanticide is common in nature,“ Mr. Broad notes. ”Females kill their young when food is scarce and male lions and bears, for example, sometimes kill the young of a female taken as a new mate, giving them a reproductive and evolutionary edge.“ Such animals must be pretty smart if they grasp the concept of evolution.
But of course the fact that other mammals kill their young doesn’t make it right for dolphins to do it. This is the old ”everybody does it“ excuse. ”Nature red in tooth and claw ...“”We have such a benign image of dolphins,“ says Dr. Dale J. Dunn, a veterinary pathologist. ”So finding evidence of violence is disturbing.“ Yes, and sad. All of us like to think of the dolphin as our friend; now we’re told that its smile is hypocritical, like that of the wretched crocodile or the president of the United States.
The dolphin has been taking us for a ride. But in fairness, we’ve wanted to be fooled. The benign animal, infused with evolutionary wisdom, has replaced the noble savage in the sentimental mythology that perennially asks why civilized human beings can’t just return to Nature. Illusions about Nature are of a piece with liberal illusions about human nature and the possibility of universal peace and brotherhood.For some animal lovers, man suffers by comparison with beasts. In the words of George Orwell’s Animal Farm: ”Four legs good, two legs bad.“ (Many would add: ”No legs best of all.“)
For thousands of years, Nature has been something human beings have yearned to get the hell out of. Illusions about Nature’s benignity arose only after the escape was complete, and people could visit a safely contained parcel of Nature — in the zoo, the park, or the aquarium — without being at her mercy. In confinement, dangerous beasts became harmless, observable, even lovable. Tenderness replaced terror.
Animal life does offer valuable intimations of human nature, but these aren’t entirely encouraging. Gorilla colonies, for instance, don’t roll out the red carpet for human visitors; it took Diane Fossey months to earn the grudging trust of the mighty apes she studied. The Ku Klux Klan would have shown more hospitality.Broadly speaking, animals are violent, predatory,
xenophobic, possessive, and lacking in compassion. We owe them no apologies. Besides, many of them taste good.
The Sopwith Camel is one of the most historically significant aircraft included in Corgi’s WWI aircraft series. WWI fighters were relatively small in comparison to their WWII counterparts and 1:48 scale captures significant details that would be lost in smaller scales. The model uses fine gauge wire to represent the structurally significant bracing wires found on the actual aircraft. Additionally, the mold faithfully replicates the complex contours of the entire aircraft, simulating a stretched fabric covering. A detailed pilot figure sits behind the twin Vickers machine guns while the top wing includes the inboard cut-outs, so essential to the pilot’s forward visibility in a dogfight. Up front, the propeller and engine are nicely detailed and free to rotate in unison behind the cowling, just as with the real aircraft. The model rests on rolling rubber tires that accurately reproduce the gray color vulcanized natural rubber takes on after prolonged exposure to sunlight.
Captain Arthur Roy Brown was the Canadian World War I Flying Ace who was officially credited by the RAF with bringing down Germany’s most successful Ace, the infamous ‘Red Baron’,Manfred von Richthofen. On the morning of April 21st, 1918 Brown’s 209 Squadron Sopwith Camels were set upon by von Richthofen’s infamous ‘Flying Circus’. At some point during the ensuing dog-fight Brown’s high-school friend, Wop May, broke away from the battle but was spotted and pursued by von Richthofen. Brown saw his friend in trouble and in turn took pursuit of von Richthofen. Soon all 3 aircraft were snaking around at tree-top height. What actually happened next has remained controversial to this day. Both Brown and ground based anti-aircraft gunners sent long bursts of fire at von Richthofen and he eventually crashed only a few hundred yards from the front line. Although Brown was accredited with bringing down the ‘Red Baron’ it is now largely believed that he was actually shot by an Australian gunner on the ground, probably Sergeant Cedric Popkin of the Australian 24th Machine.
The history of World War I aviation is a rich and varied story. It was marked by a period of rapid technological development, where aircraft evolved from slow-moving, fragilepowered kites, into quick, agile, sturdy, fighter crafts. The Great War consumed the world in a conflict that was unrivaled until that time. It was a kind of war far different than the one that was waged on the ground. The fight for control of the air was where the cunning and bravery of the individual could matter for much. Röth was badly wounded while serving with an artillery regiment. He transferred to the German Air Force after recovering from his wounds, but was injured in a flying accident during training. In and out of hospitals for nearly two years, Röth eventually scored his first three victories on January 25, 1918. On that day, he shot down three enemy balloons in less than ten minutes. On July 30, 1918, he scored his 17th victory, shooting down a Bristol Fighter flown by Irish ace John Cowell. Röth was wounded in action on October 14, 1918. By the end of the war, he was Germany’s highest-scoring balloon buster. Of his 28 confirmed victories, 20 of them were balloons. Extremely depressed that Germany had lost the war, Röth committed suicide. His Knight’s Cross of the Military Order of Max-Joseph was awarded posthumously in 1919.
The group is proud to share with you their 2 newest albums, "Gymbo's Play and Pretend Favorites" and "It's a Gymboree Party" which just won the 2008 NAPPA Gold Award (National Association of Parenting Publications of America). Before that, their 10th album, "Don't Blink" garnered the prestigous Parents Choice Gold Award as well as the NAPPA Gold Award and the Toy of the Year award from Creative Child Magazine.
You can also hear Parachute Express sing the theme song of the well known PBS’s animated cartoon, “Jay Jay The Jet Plane” ! If you've been to one of their concerts, or have watched one of their videos with your kids, you'll know how children respond to Parachute Express. The connection is wonderful. You also know how enjoyable their award winning music is for adults as well!
Wherever your musical sensibilities fall, it is guaranteed that Parachute Express will create an unforgettable musical experience for you and your family! For more information or a press kit about Parachute Express.
The decline in the manufacture of small factory-built aircraft is not the only reason for the ascendancy of the homebuilt aircraft. Under the Federal Aviation Act, the FAA wears two hats, one to maintain safety and the other to promote air commerce. In its role of promoting air commerce the FAA has promulgated supportive regulations and advisory circulars encouraging the development of homebuilt aircraft; e.g., Advisory Circular 20.27D. Thus, anybody can buy the plans and/or parts, and obtain a special airworthiness certificate to operate the aircraft in the experimental category, if the amateur-builder does more than 50% of the fabrication or assembly, and does so solely for his own education or recreation.
Recently, a prominent insurance claims executive expressed an opinion at an Aviation Law and Insurance Symposium that homebuilt aircraft liability litigation will be a growth industry during the next decade because of the proliferation of amateur-built aircraft and the likelihood that there will be crashes.
Plaintiffs have often been reluctant to sue kit manufacturers because the manufacturers have always "gone bare." They have manufactured and sold kits without product liability insurance. The fear of winning a long and costly product liability battle against a kit manufacturer only to face the difficulty of collecting a judgment against assets, which may only consist of plans and parts, has been sufficient to dissuade most attorneys from pursuing such cases on a contingency fee.
Now more manufacturers are making money and getting "established." A serious effort is being made by the EAA to arrange Product Liability Insurance from Lloyds of London for qualified kit manufacturers. There is a strong market for inexpensive kit airplanes and gyroplanes, both domestically and abroad. Add to these factors a recognition that an excellent financial opportunity exists to sell such aircraft kits and it is predicted that many business groups with financial depth will be getting into the market. While this will remain a high-risk industry there are new legal protections available to manufacturers and builders.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Smart Jobs
knowable. And we can't ask our customers - they don't know
the future either. (For example, in 1992 there was zero
demand for web browsers.) The Stupid Network's advantage is
that it allows immediate (i.e., not mediated) user-to-user
experimentation. And lots of people love to experiment.
So the Internet provides a fertile field, and a thousand
flowers bloom. Occasionally one of these flowers catches
my eye.
The Child-Care Camera was the flower of a recent Sue
Shellenbarger Wall Street Journal column on Work & Family
(August 19, 1998). The column recounts a day-in-the-life
of the Mastons, a couple with high-tech jobs, and their
three-year-old daughter Maddie. Maddie Maston goes to a
nursery school that supports parent placement of cameras
connected to the Internet. During the day, Mr. Maston
keeps the image of his daughter's nursery school classroom
in a window on his workstation. He checks on his daughter
frequently, but briefly. His wife (a product manager in
another company) and his mother (a secretary in another
state) also look in on Maddie.
The story's unexpected twist is improved father-daughter
communication. At the end of the day, father could ask
daughter, "Were you sitting in the dark today?" because he
had seen her doing it. So prompted, the three year old
bubbled with talk about candles and birthday parties.
Without the camera, Maston might have asked, "What did you
do today?" Questions like this might seem simple to an
adult, but they are loaded with assumptions that a three-
year-old is likely to have difficulty parsing. The
question really means, "What did you do that was
interesting?" This requires a three-year-old to review her
day, culling out the event or two that might interest
somebody else - which, truth be told, is a skill that fails
many adults. The camera lets the parent take that
responsibility. The child, supplied with a specific
context, can now articulate a meaningful, sociable
Chemist Jobs
A chronological and cultural review of tactics, arms and and technology is supplemented by thumbnail studies of individual items of arms and armour – from swords to artillery and siege engines, from helmets to handguns. Perfect for students and re-enactment enthusiasts.The lavish visual approach shows the evolving profiles of armies and individual warriors, with annotated anatomies of key technologies and diagrams of famous battles and tactical innovations.
With contextual introductions, authoritative captions, and a glossary of terms. Classic engravings show military machinery and methods. Expert modern narrative describes the development of arms and armour, and the evolution of tactics. Illustrated anatomies of the key technologies .
Tabs, cross-references and timelines all help to explore this comprehensive volumeTim Newark is widely published in the field of military history. He became editor of Military Illustrated magazine in 1993, and has acted as consultant for television documentary series including Heroes & Weapons of WW2 screened by The History Channel and BBC Worldwide. His publications include Camouflage, also published by Thames & Hudson, written to accompany the Imperial War Museum exhibition.
Marketting Jobs
Although they may be living in Canada and New York respectively now, their squash origins are firmly Caribbean: they were born and brought up in Guyana and had much of their early squash learning there. And Trinidad is by no means short of the same sorts of squash talent. There is a good and growing junior squash program which is run by Brian Jackson, who is the President of the Trinidad and Tobago Squash Association, Helen Pasea, a former Trinidadian women's national player and Cecelia Prudent, the former no. 1 Trinidad women's national player.
squash was just recently a junior tournament here in Trinidad which boasted some 80 odd juniors from Trinidad, Barbados and Guyana. Guyana has always been the richest with talent in squash of the three, and that rubs off on Barbados and Trinidad, since we see each other and compete regularly. I happen to be currently on the Trinidad and Tobago Senior National Team and also register with PSANA, however, I have not had the chance to play any pro tournaments this year because I concentrated my efforts in playing tournaments in the Caribbean and representing Trinidad at the Southern Caribbean Championships which was held in Barbados this summer.
Trinidad boasts today at least 400 people actively playing the game here. There are four clubs in the capital of Trinidad known as Port-of-Spain and one two clubs in the southern part of the island. We don't have a great number of tournaments that are put on during the year but we have a good interclub league that is held during the latter months of the calendar year.
Permanent Jobs
Be dependable. Know your schedule and always show up on time. Tell your supervisor that you are available in a pinch if there's a need. Retail managers are constantly struggling to find reliable workers, so as long as you are dependable, this tip should be an easy one to master. Do the work. Show that you are not just working the job to make some holiday cash, but instead there to help the company. Workers who are just putting in their "time," are easy to spot – and managers know who those folks are. Instead, show your value by always trying to go above and beyond what is asked of you.
Network within the company. Get to know all the managers -- and make sure they know your strengths. The more managers who know who you are and what you're capable of will give you multiple opportunities to shine and land one or more permanent openings.
Look the part. Companies like Abercrombie even admit to hiring people who look like their customers (like they belong at the store). Even if you wear a vest or coat, or some other type of uniform, if you are dealing with customers, you should always try to look and dress your best. Good grooming and hygiene are essential.
Be the problem-solver. Whenever there is a problem that needs to be resolved, volunteer to help solve the problem. Managers love workers who are not only self-sufficient, but who think proactively, taking care of little problems before they become major catastrophes.
Avoid the grapevine. Spending too much time gossiping about fellow co-workers is one of the sure ways to make a name for yourself -- in the totally WRONG way. Now, this tip doesn't mean you should not be friendly; quite the opposite. You should be friendly with all co-workers (as well as customers) -- just stay away from talking about other people.
Don't overdo the employee discount. Sure, the discount is there for you to use -- and it's a great win-win to have the extra income AND get a discount, just don't go crazy with it. Share the discount with your family members, but don't have the whole neighborhood coming to the store to get your discount. Express your interest: There is certainly no harm to talking with all the managers -- once you've established some rapport with them -- that you are interested in a full-time position should one become available.
Final Thoughts If a career in retail is something that interests you, a great way to get a foot in the door is through seasonal employment. If you avoid the pitfalls and focus on showcasing your enthusiasm, accomplishing as much as you can while on the seasonal payroll, you can slowly position yourself for a permanent job.
Temporary Jobs
Kelly Services: one of the higher-profile national temp agencies. It’s been around since 1946, has more than 1,800 offices around the world, and claims to provide placements to more than 750,000 employees every year.
Manpower has offices in 50 countries (and more than 1,250 in North America). Like the other large agencies, they offer short or long term postings, as well as temp-to-perm (which they call contract-to-hire) opportunities in a wide range of fields, but they seem to specialize in technical jobs. Net-Temps designed specifically for the staffing industry, job-seekers can search for your ideal job on a national, state or city level, as well as by job titles or skills. Free.
Norrell has 1,350 offices in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Asia. They offer short-term placements, long-term placements and temp-to-perm placements. a free service that enables job-seekers who are looking for temporary employment to find a staffing service that fits your needs. You can also post your resume and search for temp jobs. Also includes useful information to help you understand the industry better as well as succeed in your career in general. Free to job-seekers.
Temp 24-7 aims to be an online community for temps. It includes an advice column, "Temp Tales of Terror," and a job resource page where you can find new temp agencies or even nontemp jobs. Westaff for job-seekers looking for temporary employment and temp-to-hire opportunities in the areas of office, light industrial, and light technical. Search for jobs and send your application to one of the 350+ local offices. All job-seekers -- entry-level, career professionals, students, returning to work, even variety-seekers -- can find opportunities. Free to job-seekers. the online arm of Olsten, an organization with an extensive network of staffing offices in the United States. Job listings range from short-term entry-level positions to permanent placements for seasoned professionals. Job-seekers can search for jobs or build an online resume or send your resume to a local Olsten office. Free to job-seekers. It is a great site for all job-seekers seeking a part-time, seasonal, or temporary job. Job-seekers complete an "application," which then allows you to apply for jobs. You can also search for jobs by type, company, and driving distance.
Electrician Jobs
Stratford's electrician course is an excellent first step in learning the basics about electricity and electrical wiring. Learn about electrician careers at hom. Stratford’s training are designed to let you study about electrical careers at home, so that your studies won’t interfere with your current job or busy schedule. All of your textbooks and study guides are delivered directly to your door, so you study when and where it is most convenient for you.
Stratford’s electrician training course offers comprehensive career education in many key topics, including,Electrical theory and calculations , Electrical symbols and drawings , Panels, Codes and requirements , Switches , Motors , Low voltage systems , Transformers.
Save money with Stratford's electrician course. Stratford’s one low tution price covers everything you need to graduate. There are no other fees or charges! You could complete your electrician training in as little as six months, or if you prefer, you can take up to two years to graduate.
As a student with Stratford, your all-inclusive tuition fee covers everything you will need to successfully graduate and earn your career diploma. ALL textbooks, study guides, and learning aids . A full range of student services, including online exams. A personalized career diploma upon graduation. Unlimited access to qualified instructors by e-mail or toll-free phone. FREE shipping and handling.
Offline Jobs
DMS is led by an Adviser and Head and comprises Debt Management Advisers, an Advisor & Team Leader (IT Systems), Business Analyst, Systems Development Officers, Programmers, Tester, Technical Writer and programme assistants. The section also engages external consultants from time to time.
Reporting to the Adviser & Team Leader (IT Systems) of DMS and working as part of a team of economists, debt specialists and IT professionals, the Business Analyst is responsible for managing stakeholder expectations and relationships, gathering and analysing requirements, creating functional specifications, supporting the ensuing architectural/system specification and testing. The job holder also undertakes training and support of CS-DRMS Users and is required to travel on technical missions, sometimes at short notice.
The main duties of the Business Analyst are as follows; Develop and maintain strong relationships with business partners and development team to ensure high quality and on-time deliverables;Work with key project stakeholders and business people to formulate and
communicate the business vision and scope for the project; Undertake ongoing identification and prioritization of new business requirements;
Advise on and assist in implementing appropriate requirements gathering
techniques Assume responsibility for requirements planning; Gather and model process and business rules requirements in consultation with stakeholders. Develop and document comprehensive functional specifications for addressing user requirements; Validate requirements and models in conjunction with stakeholders;
Assist in updating CS-DRMS documentation and training materials to keepthem in sync with all software changes. Prepare and submit reports on work progress on a regular basis. In the context of enhancing DMS software development activities, the Business Analyst will be expected to advise on documentation standards and methodologies and make recommendations on acquisition of appropriate tools. The Business Analyst is also expected to organise and facilitate workshops for CSDRMS users. With a view of maintaining a good level of support, the Business Analyst will participate in the prioritisation, diagnosis and resolution of support issues.
The Business Analyst will participate in the on-going update of the CS-DRMS website as a vehicle for software support and disseminating debt management information to Commonwealth countries; provide regular inputs in the preparation of the DMS’ newsletter. The Business Analyst will assist the Advisor & Team Leader (IT Systems) with project planning, organization and monitoring and the recruitment of consultants. Perform any other duties as may be required from time to time.
Manager Jobs
All of our candidates and clients will be treated with dignity, courtesy and respect; even in the most difficult of circumstances. We will not post your resume on any major job board and jeapordize the confidentiality of your job search. Our function is to make introductions of candidates to companies for selection, based on experience in the hospitality industry. We must be able to ascertain not only the mechanical responsibilities of a given position but the underlying personality necessary for productive performance in a position that will lead to growth and increased earnings potential. If we understand a candidates true strength and understandthe different concepts of our industry we can begin the process of creating an opportunity. Good companies are always looking for good candidates.Understand that we cannot make a company hire an individual any more that we can make an individual accept any offered position. What we can do is help them see the positives and negatives, to understand the "Big Picture", and illustrate the potentialities. The success of our endeavors lies in positive interviews.
The People formal Culinary education (Culinary Institute of America '75) and past experience as a Corporate Executive Chef for a Chain of High Volume, Waterfront, Fresh Seafood Restaurant 's from New Jersey to Florida, and years as an R&D Chef and General Manager for Stouffer's Restaurant Corporation, as well as a Chef for Hyatt Hotels, give him a specialization with Culinary, Unit and Multi-Unit level Managers as well as all other aspects of restaurants, clubs, hotels, and contract feeding. Mark spent several years with another recruiting firm at the Vice President level prior to founding NHA in 1992.
Mike's background is extremely diverse with over 25 years of experience in all aspects of restaurant operations including Owner Operator of an Award Winning Fine Dining Restaurant in New Jersey and many years of experience in High Volume Chain Restaurants as an Opening General Manager with Olive Garden, Hungry Hunter and others on the West Coast. Mike's most recent restaurant venture was as the New Store Opening Coordinator for the then owned McDonalds Corporation-Donatos Pizzeria where he was instrumental in the successful opening of several stores in a short period of time. Since then Mike founded a direct marketing company which his wife is running and is the CEO. Mike's high energy, strong experience and passion to excel make him a welcome addition to NHA's recruiting staff.
These individuals head a staff of associates with a variety of operational backgrounds in the various sectors of the hospitality industry. This depth of experience prior to independent recruiting gives us the edge to more quickly and accurately access the skills and abilities of candidates and the needs of our diverse variety of clients.
Supervisor Job
Minimum qualifications are graduation from high school or G.E.D. equivalent, AND two years of supervisory or lead experience working with youth. Two years of college-level course work in social sciences, education, resource conservation or related field will substitute, year for year, for required experience. A valid driver's license is required. For some positions an intermediate endorsement on the driver's license is required.A good driving record, and a clean criminal history report, are also required. We look for people who communicate well and enjoy working with youth. All EYC Supervisors undergo extensive training, during a week-long orientation and safety program where they learn first aid and CPR, hazardous material recognition, highway safety procedures, defensive driving, and emergency preparedness. Once on the job, supervisors hold routine safety meetings with crew members.
Experienced supervisors may become a region's 'crew checker', the safety supervisor who visits each crew regularly to deliver supplies and verifies all crews are operating at optimum safety levels. The Ecology Youth Corps crews operate throughout Washington. Please go and find specific details on job opportunities in your area.
Supervises crew activities of up to seven EYC members as young as 14 years old in various work activities related to litter control and recycling. Assumes responsibility for the health, safety, well-being, morale, productivity, and discipline of the crew by adhering to EYC safety setup procedures and guidelines. Determines site appropriateness by evaluating site for safety prior to crew deployment. Trains crew members in safety and emergency procedures, cellular phone use, vehicle care and maintenance, recycling, and litter pick-up efficiency.
Motivates and increases the efficiency and productivity of the crew. Evaluates crew member performance. Takes corrective action when necessary, using verbal and written reprimands, suspensions, and employment termination together with regional staff, as outlined in EYC disciplinary policies. Makes regular verbal and written reports on crew output and time accounting to the regional office. Recycles all recyclable materials found during cleanup activities. Renders first aid when necessary to crew members (and sometimes injured motorists at accident scenes) and determines the need to be taken to a medical facility. Coordinates litter pick-up along roadsides, center medians, and in urban settings that could be potentially dangerous due to traffic and other hazards .
Student Jobs
Served as section or copy editor of the Lariat for atleast one semester. Demonstrated excellence in editing through knowledge of AP style and understands different styles of newspaper writing. Understands political forces within and outside the university. Extensive knowledge of desktop publishing, modular design, typography, graphics and photography. Proven abilities in leadership, organization and management. Demonstrated and promised long-term commitment to the Lariat. Proven, strong and highly evolved sense of ethical and moral integrity. Effective approach to crisis management. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills for working with people inside and outside the Baylor community
Creates budget of campus, local, state, national, international news derived from AP and MCT and other campus newspapers. This will be completed by 1 p.m. each day. Talks with each reporter at beginning of lab and compiles budget of campus and local stories. Helps reporter focus the story. Assigns art/graphics as needed. This will be completed by 2:30 p.m.. Generates growing pool of story ideas (daily, indepth, queries)Manages all lab writers for Lariat. Assigns stories to reporters. Imposes deadlines. Edits copy. Maintains city desk files. Maintains accurate and up-to-date calendar of all major events on campus and in the community. Works with writers and editors to make sure stories are covered with accuracy, fairness and clarity and helps with additional story ideas and follow-ups. Presents total budget at 4:30 p.m. news meeting each day. Coordinates graphics assignments. Serves on editorial board and writes editorials on rotating basis. Meets weekly with adviser and editor for critiques,training and problem solving. Assists editor and takes over in his/her absence Builds and adheres to a strong sense of ethics in writing and reporting Reports problems with lab class to Julie and Robin.
Has demonstrated excellence in editing through knowledge of AP style and understands different styles of newspaper writing. Understands political forces within and outside the university. Has proven abilities in leadership, organization and management. Has effective approach to crisis management. Has proven, strong and highly evolved sense of ethical and moral integrity. Has patience and ability to help redirect ideas. Has excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
Plans one theme/in-depth magazine per semester. Provides magazine classes with story ideas. Seeks out, coordinates and manages contributed stories. Edits all copy, including cut lines and headlines, for clarity, grammar, spelling, punctuation, style and accuracy. Designs and paginates magazine. Edits stories and writes headlines. Coordinates and/or takes photographs for magazine.
Understands and appreciates the distinction between news and editorializing. Has outstanding knowledge of feature and news writing. Has advanced experience in newspaper and feature design. Has strong organizational, leadership and teamwork abilities. Has thorough understanding of the mission of the magazine. Has ability to track simultaneous projects and meet deadlines. Has strong interviewing and researching skills. Is able to write and edit quickly. Understands the editing process from brainstorming to evaluation. Has patience and ability to help redirect weak ideas. Has strong sense of ethical and moral integrity
Librarian Jobs
Librarians must have strong communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills and be able to assess customer information needs to determine appropriate information resources to meet customer requirements. Work may include research, serials management, cataloging, collection development, instruction on library services, acquisition of hardcopy and electronic information resources, and customer service.
Positions are in the metropolitan Washington, DC area. In addition to salary and benefits, Librarians may qualify for the Central Intelligence Agency’s Corporate Language Hiring Bonus Program and may receive additional language incentive pay and awards under the CIA’s Corporate Language Program. Librarians may also have the opportunity for further librarian, language and area studies, as well as other relevant training.
Minimum requirements include a Master’s degree in Library or Information Science, excellent communications skills, strong critical thinking/analytic skills, and well-developed research skills. Candidates with reading and research ability in critical foreign languages are strongly desired.All applicants must successfully complete a thorough medical and psychological exam, a polygraph interview and an extensive background investigation. US citizenship is required.To be considered suitable for Agency employment, applicants must generally not have used illegal drugs within the last twelve months. The issue of illegal drug use prior to twelve months ago is carefully evaluated during the medical and security processing.
Friends, family, individuals, or organizations may be interested to learn that you are an applicant for or an employee of the CIA. Their interest, however, may not be benign or in your best interest. You cannot control whom they would tell. We therefore ask you to exercise discretion and good judgment in disclosing your interestposition with the Agency. You will receive further guidance on this topic as you proceed through your CIA employment processing.
Pelosi launched the $5 million venture through the office of the Chief Administrative Officer in 2007 as a way to also give members and staff on both sides of the divisive Iraq war debate a symbol of the cost and sacrifice of war.The jobs of the nine “wounded warriors” working for lawmakers are not permanent, but rather function as fellowships for which they will receive salaries for one year. After that year is up, the hope is that many will apply for permanent House positions, doing anything from serving as a liaison to veterans in a member’s office to being a CAO carpenter.
Pelosi’s update on the program, which aims to have 25 fellows by the end of the year, comes as the Department of Defense announced Sunday its intention to bring home 12,000 U.S. troops from Iraq over the course of the next six months.The scaling back of armed forces reflects the Obama administration’s strategy to reduce the U.S. presence in Iraq to 30,000-50,000 troops by mid-2010.The Senate and House Veterans Affairs committee is also planning to hold a hearing Tuesday on the proposed fiscal 2010 budget.
Obama’s proposed $3.6 trillion budget would increase money for the Department of Veterans Affairs by $5.5 billion, from $50.4 billion to $55.9 billion.“This budget request will increase funding for VA by 15% this year and by $25 billion over the next five years, including a proposed $4.9 billion increase for fiscal year 2010,” said Rep. Bob Filner (D- Calif.), chairman of the House Veteran Affairs Committee, in a statement.“After years of funding neglect and budget shortfalls, I commend President Obama on this honest assessment of the funding needs of the VA.”
DBA Jobs
The DBA is challenged to work with architecture, application development and operations to help achieve a state-of-the-art environment that meets current and future business objectives. Trains and develops technical support and applications staff to better utilize on-line processing databases environment. Provides and designs tools to assist in the management of the database and transaction processing environment.Works to provide a working model of our transaction processing environment for capacity assessment and planning.
Develops a methodology for the ongoing assessment of database performance and the identification of problem areas. Develops a security scheme for the database environment, as well as assisting in disaster recovery if necessary. Provides leadership during the development and enhancement of production applications including working with applications, technical support and operations during the design, development and implementation of applications. Work with the transaction processing area to develop both the physical and the logical database administration functions and assists in the development of our processing database and computing environments. Work with others in IT to build the logical database area and provide technical guidance during all phases of the development process. Work with vendors in evaluating and implementing new technologies.
BE or BS Degree in one of the following subject areas: Computer Science, Business Administration, Information Technology or related field preferred .2 -3 years IT operation with strong understanding of database structures, theories, principles, and practices .3-5 years Microsoft SQL Server experience. Understanding of, and experience with, server-client computing and relational database environments Experience with data management and data processing flowcharting techniques Knowledge of reporting and query tools and practices .Good understanding of the organizations goals and objectives .Good interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills .Technical documentation skills .Ability to present ideas in user-friendly language Good written and oral communication skills.
Bpo Jobs
Our customer service offerings create a virtual customer service center to manage customer concerns and queries through multiple channels including voice, e-mail and chat on a 24/7 and 365 days basis. Customers calling to check on their order status, customers calling to check for information on products and services, customers calling to verify their account status, customers calling to check their reservation status etc.
Our technical support offerings include round-the-clock technical support and problem resolution for OEM customers and computer hardware, software, peripherals and Internet infrastructure manufacturing companies. These include installation and product support, up & running support, troubleshooting and Usage support. Customers calling to resolve a problem with their home PC, customers calling to understand how to dial up to their ISP, customers calling with a problem with their software or hardware.
Our telesales and telemarketing outsourcing services target interaction with potential customers for 'prospecting' like either for generating interest in products and services, or to up-sell / promote and cross sell to an existing customer base or to complete the sales process online. Outbound calling to sell wireless services for a telecom provider, outbound calling to retail households to sell leisure holidays, outbound calling to existing customers to sell a new rate card for a mobile service provider or outbound calling to sell credit or debit cards etc.
Employee IT Help-desk Services: Our employee IT help-desk services provide technical problem resolution and support for corporate employees. service include level 1 and 2 multi-channel support across a wide range of shrink wrapped and LOB applications, system problem resolutions related to desktop, notebooks, OS, connectivity etc., office productivity tools support including browsers and mail, new service requests, IT operational issues, product usage queries, routing specific requests to designated contacts and remote diagnostics etc.
Our insurance processing services provide specialized solutions to the insurance sector and support critical business processes applicable to the industry right from new business acquisition to policy maintenance to claims processing. Inbound/outbound sales, Initial Setup, Case Management, Underwriting, Risk assessment, Policy issuance etc. Record Changes like Name, Beneficiary, Nominee, Address; Collateral verification, Surrender Audits Accounts Receivable, Accounting, Claim Overpayment, Customer care service via voice/email etc.
Friday, May 1, 2009
The company has been a pioneer in in-game advertising and innovative business models in casual games since its inception 8 years ago.We are seeking an outstanding individual to further expand and manage our rapidly growing North American Online Advertising Sales business in Casual Games. The successful candidate will be working from our New York office and must be very familiar with all top agencies and clients in NYC and surrounding areas. Previous sales experience with selling into the 30-65 year old female demographic a must. Additionally, S/he will have direct management responsibility in managing a team of ad sales managers both in New York to start and expanding to other regional cities throughout the US. This role is well positioned to quickly grow into senior executive-level for the right candidate. We are looking for the right candidate who will refine our focused philosophy to ad sales around casual games, targeting females 30-65 years old.
Our typical advertisers today consist of CPGs, Entertainment, Retail and Food/Beverage. If you have experience with selling into these industries for this demographic with a history of success, this is the position for you.The right candidate must be aggressive, creative, and resourceful and must enjoy working in a highly entrepreneurial environment with a laser focus on driving revenues while managing a team. The position requires outstanding sales, communication, and management skills as well as tact for developing and maintaining relationships. S/He must be accomplished at selling display advertising and bundling graphical advertising with sponsorship opportunities. S/he will be responsible for the team hitting monthly, quarterly and annual sales targets.
Drive Advertising revenues to exceed quarterly targets- Execute sales strategy across games for North America- Build out team of ad sales managers to scale with revenue- Drive sales management process, tactics, planning, systems and programs- Build long-lasting relationships with hundreds of advertisers and ad agencies- Negotiate and close large dealsRequirements:- College degree- Min 3 years organizational sales management and leadership managing 10+ sales/account managers with revenue in excess of $10M- Min 5 years of direct online advertising sales with individual revenue responsibility greater than $2M- Deep experience and existing relationships with key agencies - Experience selling the female, 30-65 demographic- Proven ability to focus and grow very quickly while creating a great sales culture for attracting and retaining top talent.- Strong analytical skills- Excellent online, written and verbal communication skills- Strong organizational and multi-tasking skills .
College degree- Min 3 years organizational sales management and leadership managing 10+ sales/account managers with revenue in excess of $10M- Min 5 years of direct online advertising sales with individual revenue responsibility greater than $2M- Deep experience and existing relationships with key agencies - Experience selling the female, 30-65 demographic- Proven ability to focus and grow very quickly while creating a great sales culture for attracting and retaining top talent.- Strong analytical skills- Excellent online, written and verbal communication skills- Strong organizational and multi-tasking skills.